Noticias Noticias del sitio Compartir: Noticias Noticias del sitio Conferencia - Antennas and Propagation Modeling for Advanced Wireless Systems 13/06/2018 IWCLD´2009 Int.´l Workshop on Cross-Layer Design. Palma de Mallorca, 11-12 June 2009. Deadline for submission of papers: 2 February 2009. 13/06/2018 TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation. Barcelona, Juny 19-21, 2006 13/06/2018 Kick-Off Meeting del nou projecte FP6-IST-SURFACE finançat per la Unió Europea. Barcelona, 30-31 de Gener del 2006 13/06/2018 Workshop Trends in Radio Resource Management (2nd edition). Barcelona, 16 de Novembre de 2005 13/06/2018 Kick-off meeting del nou projecte FP6-IST AROMA finançat per al Unió Europea. Barcelona, 26-27 de Gener de 2006 13/06/2018 Reunió projecte SIMILAR WP6 & WP9, Barcelona 9-10 Novembre 2005. Campus Nord, D5 13/06/2018 El professor Adriano Camps ha rebut el premi European Young Investigators Award 13/06/2018 First Greenet Seminar Meeting from the 11th to the 15th of July. 13/06/2018 Pedro Crespo - Distinguished Lecturer - Friday November 12, 2010 at 9:00 - Aula MERIT D5-010 13/06/2018 1 (actual) 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 48 10 elementos siguientes >
IWCLD´2009 Int.´l Workshop on Cross-Layer Design. Palma de Mallorca, 11-12 June 2009. Deadline for submission of papers: 2 February 2009. 13/06/2018
Kick-Off Meeting del nou projecte FP6-IST-SURFACE finançat per la Unió Europea. Barcelona, 30-31 de Gener del 2006 13/06/2018
Workshop Trends in Radio Resource Management (2nd edition). Barcelona, 16 de Novembre de 2005 13/06/2018
Kick-off meeting del nou projecte FP6-IST AROMA finançat per al Unió Europea. Barcelona, 26-27 de Gener de 2006 13/06/2018
Pedro Crespo - Distinguished Lecturer - Friday November 12, 2010 at 9:00 - Aula MERIT D5-010 13/06/2018