Notícies del lloc
Títol de la tesi: "Study and application of spectral monitoring techniques for optical network optimization" Autor: Sr. FABIANO LOCATELLI
Títol de la tesi: "Allocation designs for massive multiple access with interference cancellation" Autor: Sr. Francesc Molina Oliveras
Títol de la tesi: "Machine learning assisted QoT estimation for optical networks optimization" Autor: Sr. Ankush Mahajan
Títol de la tesi: "Transmission impairments mitigation in next generation coherent optical access networks" Autor: Sr. Yeison Alejandro Tabares Giraldo
Títol de la tesi: "Wireless sensors embedded in high permittivity lossy media" Autora: Sra. Giselle González López
Títol de la tesi: "Development of novel instruments and techniques for passive microwave remote sensing" Autor: Sr. Joan Francesc Muñoz Martín
Títol de la tesi: "Sports broadcasting and multiple object tracking with deep learning methods" Autor: Sr. ANDREU GIRBAU XALABARDER