
Machine-to-Machine in Smart Grids and Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards and Applications


Machine-to-Machine in Smart Grids and Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards and Applications


Authors & Affiliation

Mischa Dohler, CTTC, Spain




D5 – 007 – Campus Nord



An unprecedented communication paradigm facilitating the connection between a prior unseen number of devices is currently gripping both industrial as well as academic communities. Referred to as machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, it is essentially composed of three key ingredients: 1) a wireless end-device, 2) an infrastructure-based or infrastructure-less wireless carrier network, and 3) the back-end server network. The gamut of application is vast, including emerging applications in the smart grid, smart cities and many other applications. Market prospects of M2M are thus very encouraging, which was estimated at €200bn in Q4 2010 connecting an enormous amount of communicating devices.

The aim of this tutorial is to provide a detailed technical insight into latest key aspects of M2M networks. To this end, we will discuss major developments and updates related to the heterogeneous set of available end-device technologies applicable to M2M systems. Notably, on cellular M2M level, ETSI M2M and 3GPP MTC are pacing at an incredible speed to facilitate standardization of said systems. Also, on capillary M2M level, the IEEE and IETF are extraordinary active to ensure viable system designs. All of these developments will be discussed in great details, as well as open research challenges in the area of cellular M2M. We will also dwell on the applicability of M2M in emerging Smart Grids and Smart City applications.