
Lectura Tesi Doctoral - Miguel Angel Gutiérrez Antuñano


Títol de la tesi: "Doppler wind LIDAR systems data processing and applications: An overview towards developing the new generation of wind remote-sensing sensors for off-shore wind farms" Autor: Sr. Miguel Angel Gutiérrez Antuñano

Títol de la tesi:

"Doppler wind LIDAR systems data processing and applications: An overview towards developing the new generation of wind remote-sensing sensors for off-shore wind farms"


Sr. Miguel Angel Gutiérrez Antuñano

Dr. Francisco Rocadenbosch
Dr. Jordi Tiana

Data : 8 de juliol de 2019
Hora:  10:30 hores
Lloc:  Sala de Juntes - edifici D4 - Campus Nord