
Public Consultation on Cloud Computing, Software and Services (from February 27th until April 2nd 2013)


Public Consultation on Cloud Computing, Software and Services


DG Connect (Unit E2) launches a web-based Public Consultation with a view to defining future research priorities in Cloud Computing, Software and Services, ahead of the H2020 ICT Work Programme 2014-15. All interested stakeholders (industry, research centres, academia, SMEs and users) are warmly invited to contribute.


The consultation will run from February 27th until April 2nd 2013.


When this consultation is completed, a post-consultation Workshop will be held in Brussels on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 in order to discuss and validate the views expressed by different actors during the consultation.


To find out more about this consultation please follow the link

Podeu trobar més informació al document adjunt: OrientationPaper-WorkProgrammeSoftwareandServicesCloud.