Noticias del sitio
Títol de la tesi: "Design and performance analysis of advanced GNSS-R instruments back-end" Autor: Sr. DANIEL PASCUAL BIOSCA
Títol de la tesi: "Self-supervised Deep Learning Approaches To Speaker Recognition" Autor: Sr. UMAIR KHAN
Títol de la tesi: "Synthesis of acoustic wave filters. Ladder and transversal topologies. Towards a practical implementation" Autor: Sr. ALBERTO HUELTES ESCOBAR
Títol de la tesi: "Matrix completion with prior information in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces" Autor: Sr. PEDRO JUAN GIMÉNEZ FEBRER
El rector de la UPC, Francesc Torres, ha convocat, el 6 d’abril, les eleccions de rector o rectora de la Universitat.
Títol de la tesi: "Nonlinear analysis of electro-acoustic frequency-selective devices for communications" Autor: Sr. DAVID GARCÍA PASTOR
Títol de la tesi: "Sports broadcasting and multiple object tracking with deep learning methods" Autor: Sr. ANDREU GIRBAU XALABARDER
Títol de la tesi: "Development of novel instruments and techniques for passive microwave remote sensing" Autor: Sr. Joan Francesc Muñoz Martín