
Workshop Trends in Radio Resource Management (2nd edition). Barcelona, 16 de Novembre de 2005

Jun 13, 2018

Workshop Trends in Radio Resource Management (2nd edition). Barcelona, 16 de Novembre de 2005


Wireless communication technologies are rapidly evolving and influencing our daily way of life. The new wireless data and multimedia services that are added and supported on wireless networks alongside the traditional voice services pose formidable challenges to these networks in their effort to satisfy strict Quality of Service ( QoS ) requirements. To cope with these challenges new Enhanced Radio Resource Management (RRM) techniques are needed to improve system performance by maximizing the overall system capacity and maintaining the QoS of multimedia traffic.

The purpose of this workshop is to provide an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to present their state-of-art research on RRM and QoS techniques and to exchange ideas and explore new avenues of collaborations.

See details: