
El professor Miguel A. Lagunas ha rebut el XV Premi de la FCR

Jun 13, 2018

El professor Miguel A. Lagunas ha rebut el XV Premi de la FCR

Yesterday November 11th Professor Miguel A. Lagunas of our department(TSC-UPC) received officially the XV Prize of the Catalan Foundationfor the Research (FCR), award received also ex aquo by Joan Veny i Claremeritus Professor of Calatan Philology of the University of Barcelona(UB). During the ceremony chaired by the President de la Generalitat,Professor Lagunas offered a talk entitled Telecommunicacions technologies: three dizzy decades.

TheFCR prize winners ara awarded with thirty thousand euros, inrecognition to their scientific career and contribution to thedevelopment of the sciences and the technology in Catalonia.

MiguelA. Lagunas Hernandez (1951) is Full Professor of the Department ofSignal Theory and Communications in the Universitat Politecnica deCatalunya. His pofessional activities are focused on signal processingin communications, in particular in spectral analysis and arrayprocessing. His technical and scientific works covers fundamentally thedevelopment of advanced front-ends for mobile communicactions,satellites and radar. He has been involved in the development ofspectrum analyzers and intelligent antennas for several spanish andinternational companies. Presently professor Lagunas directs the CenreTecnologic de Telecomunicaions de Catalunya (CTTC).